Architecture in the New Age.
The future is now and it's exploding at a rapid speed, with its Implication not left untouched on any field. Here in this article, I present my overview of Parametric architecture, AI and the usages of technology in the field of design. (note: this are just my viewpoint and not subject matter expert opinion, so enjoy the light read).
Let’s dive in the topic with a discussion about Parametric design.
If you happen to be fascinated by the design of Zaha Hadid like me, then friend you have been also been struck by the awesomeness of Parametric design.
A design based on parameter fed by the user in form of the condition, constraints etc. driven by computer algorithm/code to deliver the best possible design output. Its an emerging field of design in the current technological revolution era and is constantly developing and evolving. The parametric driven are performance focused design output, suiting the user needs and requirements.
I personally believe that with the greater advent of AI and more efficient machine learning programs, the parametric design will evolve and the design will move from an aesthetic skill set to data-driven design.
As a designer, we have to evolve and identify those data and convert those into the function for the computer to understand and deliver output. It will help us to design more climate responsive, space saving, adaptive and responsive design, which would not only be cost and energy saving but would also be backed by data and logic.
In the future our creativity in will not be in just form finding, colour palate decision but more towards understanding, manipulating and playing with data, training the AI with the most relevant data will be our role in the future. With high performing and stable VR solution, faster internet speed, newer building materials and efficient 3d printing solution, parametric and ultra personalised products and services are where the future solution of habitat, products and accessories.
PS. Hope you have enjoyed my viewpoints. If you are subject matter expert or just want to express your opinion please drop in a comment.